Friday, July 17, 2009

wildflower festival

shooting star

playing with pebbles

on the boardwalk

monk's hood

listening to our guide

indian paintbrush

following the group

elephant's head


amy said...


Your kid is adorable. That smile. Holy cow.

Sorry I missed your call--Ryan and I ended up in busy-mode Thursday evening so I kind of neglected my phone. But, I hear Q Tip is coming to Gallivan in a couple weeks, so if you want to meet up, we'll definitely be there!

And, if you ever want to hit up the park cafe in the meantime, you know how to find me...

Alisha Stamper said...

my darling, i miss you! can i please come see you?

Grammie YaYa said...

Ayyy mamasita! que hermosura de mi niña!!! quisiera estar tu yaya con ustedes. hija, perdona que no la pasamos muy bien cuando estubieron aqui. te pido perdon. yaya

Anonymous said...

beautiful pictures!

Grammie YaYa said...

Grampie says, "Thank you hija for exposing Astrid Ella to all of these events. You do so much for her to show her the world!" luv u- "UMPI"