Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Favorite part of the day...

...has been nursing Astrid to sleep and watching the snow fall outside our bedroom window.

This picture reminds me so much of last winter runs with my newborn...same brand of bunting, just 9 months bigger :(
It's been snowing non-stop today.

10 a.m. & 1 p.m.


Autumn and Barrett said...


Thanks for letting me live your weather vicariously.

Wendi said...

That is one cozy little bundle. Great to see you the other night. I love seeing the bright white snow outline dark tree trunks.

Rebecca Smylie said...

Jasmine! When did you start posting on your blog all the time? I get out of the habit of checking and look at all these great pictures. Oh man I miss you. Astrid the leopard. I love her. She and Addy are the same. Seriously, I look at the things she's doing in those pictures--are all babies the same?

Missy said...

Jasmine, I wish we were neighbors so that our husbands could play soccer on Friday nights (Devin is in a league) and stay up late watching FSC together...I didn't know anyone else knew what Fox Soccer Channel even was, until you commented.

Move to California?

Missy said...

And Astrid is the cutest!