Friday, September 28, 2007

My first post

Post, post, blog, blog, post, blog, post, blah, blah, blah. Everyone happy?


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Mormon Worker

(This is the only picture of the logo I could find-don't know who the guy is)

Will's Mormom anarchist/pacifist paper is finally out on print and on the web! Check it out:
I've only read a few of the articles, but I think that any paper that quotes scripture and Zach de la Rocha is worth reading.

I found the articles very interesting and maddening. Interesting because of the authors' knowledge of scripture and current political situations and their ability to intertwine the two in a way that makes blatant sense, and maddening because they're the truth and I feel like very few people actually know what the truth is. The truth being that we are a country that exploits other countries for our gain, while we remain blissfully ignorant and/or apathetic. I found the scriptures and prophets quoted very moving and surprisingly so relevant to our current political circumstances. We really are a people who should shun war and actively work against it (by voting for someone who promotes self-sufficiency and natural energy resources, and not using products that cause conflict, eg. diamonds, gasoline, sweat shop products, etc). Maybe Mormons can't all do it alone (I know that not buying gasoline is unfortunately not an option for most of us), but at least we'd know we were doing something to aid in world peace.

Many of you may say that war, poverty and sadness is simply a sign of the times. They're going to happen anyway. They're supposed to happen anyway. But that doesn't lessen our responsibility as Saints to "bear one another's burdens...comfort those who stand in need of comfort..." (Mos. 18: 8-9). Basically to be aware of others and not take lightly the fact that, as is stated in one of the articles, "we are living off the backs of laborers". The stakes are as high as ever now. We are the wealthiest people in the world (even if you think you're poor). What are we going to do with that wealth (even moreso in our case as Latter-Day Saints with the spiritual wealth we have been blessed with)? Can we afford to simply let ourselves and our families be taken up in the tide of oblivion, ignorance and consummerism? Is it what our faith teaches us? No! Our faith teaches us to be informed and do the right thing even if it's the harder thing.

Lastly, I don't know about all of you, but I can't help but feel so blessed for the life I have. I was telling Arthur the other night, "what are the chances of us being born in a first world country, having more than enough money for our needs, and on top of that all, being born into the restored Church and Gospel of Jesus Christ?" We are such a small percentage ( I wish I could throw out a statistic here, but you all know how small) and I feel such a huge responsibility to give back in any way possible.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Arthur is a blogger at heart

When I first started this blog Arthur said that he wanted nothing to do with it but I asked him anyway what he thought I should title it. He said, the quote from the VW German guy commercial. So that's where we got our title and I was so pleasantly surprised that he was participating!

Every once in a while Arthur checks out other blogs, including the Christopherson's. On Friday he came home and said, "The Christopherson's posts are funny because they always require (ask for) an answer from people who read them. You should post about that. And then, ask people what they wish they had known before they had their first baby". So this post is really a post from Arthur and the purpose is twofold:

1- To make (nice) fun of the Christophersons for making posts that asks their readers for comments, and

2- To do the same thing as them. What are five things you wish you had known before having your first baby? We're so excited to have Astrid in a few months but we also know that it won't all be peachy. (We're interested in responses even if you're not a parent yet).

Monday, September 10, 2007

Glendes, Keslers and VWs

Last weekend we got to hang out with the Keslers and Glendes. What a treat! (not in picture, Bjork Kesler)

On our outing, we also saw a huge moose:

Monday, September 3, 2007

Things are thieves of time

To top off our Labor Day weekend, Arthur and I went to the Broadway to watch The Eleventh Hour. Very humbling to say the least. I definitely recommend it. It's one of those movies that just pulls you out of your day to day life and says, this is what's happening to the world, do something.

I really liked something one of the scientists said: "Things are thieves of time".
We slave away at work so that we can buy Ipods, DVDs, go to Patagonia sales, etc. I even thought of blogging as somewhat of a time thief. I feel like this should be my new motto because it's just so easy to fall into the routine of working in order to buy things that we really don't need. How much do we really need? Not very much at all. Just enough to be able to have a place to live, eat and be clothed. But we are so bombarded by the media who tells us that we need a lot of material things, that consumerism is what life is about.

Another scientist said that children on average in the US spend 4 hours daily watching TV and can name 100's of advertisements, but are unable to name 12 native plants or animals in their area. How disheartening.

Although very depressing, the documentary ends with a message of hope. Individuals really can make a difference. One of hte interviewed women said that we get to "vote daily" about things. Every time we make a purchase, it means that yes, I agree with how/where this was made, the materials that made it, etc. It made me realize how informed we need to be in order to make a difference. How many items have I bought that were made in a maquila factory where girls are paid a dollar for a 14 hour work day? Probably too many.

Arthur and I only have one car. Sometimes it's inconvenient but after watching the doc, I'm so glad that we only have one + a bike. We make it work. And it may be inconvenient for us sometimes, but it should be a price we willingly want to pay to make a difference.

Another great example is Kristina (Arthur's sister) who just moved to Utah and along with her family, grew a huge garden in their backyard. It took A LOT of hard work, but now they are reaping hte benefits of tons of food that they didn't have to buy. They are able to share it with family and friends.

Anyway, just thought it was a really great message that we all need to hear on a daily basis. We need to find ways to give back to the planet for everything it provides us.

Here's one more website that Sarah sent Arthur and I a while ago in case you're interested:

Sunday, September 2, 2007

This is for you, Paul

Is this belly bigger than yours after last Thanksgiving?

(6 mos)

This is a significant picture because last time I attempted this climb I didn't make it up. I got to the ledge at the very top and just couldn't pull myself over. So for my birthday I told Arthur I wanted to go back and do it. We camped the night before up Little Cottonwood Canyon and in the morning went to "the rock". My first try was just like hte last time. I got to the top and just didn't have the strength to haul myself over. So Arthur went up and found a fairly good hold for me to use, and on my second try, without him pulling me up, I actually lugged my big belly over the ledge, smashing Astrid. But I did it and now I can write to my brother Lex (who is on a mission in Mesa) and tell him how hard core I am (he's an avid climber). He'll be so proud.