Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Mormon Worker

(This is the only picture of the logo I could find-don't know who the guy is)

Will's Mormom anarchist/pacifist paper is finally out on print and on the web! Check it out: http://www.themormonworker.org/
I've only read a few of the articles, but I think that any paper that quotes scripture and Zach de la Rocha is worth reading.

I found the articles very interesting and maddening. Interesting because of the authors' knowledge of scripture and current political situations and their ability to intertwine the two in a way that makes blatant sense, and maddening because they're the truth and I feel like very few people actually know what the truth is. The truth being that we are a country that exploits other countries for our gain, while we remain blissfully ignorant and/or apathetic. I found the scriptures and prophets quoted very moving and surprisingly so relevant to our current political circumstances. We really are a people who should shun war and actively work against it (by voting for someone who promotes self-sufficiency and natural energy resources, and not using products that cause conflict, eg. diamonds, gasoline, sweat shop products, etc). Maybe Mormons can't all do it alone (I know that not buying gasoline is unfortunately not an option for most of us), but at least we'd know we were doing something to aid in world peace.

Many of you may say that war, poverty and sadness is simply a sign of the times. They're going to happen anyway. They're supposed to happen anyway. But that doesn't lessen our responsibility as Saints to "bear one another's burdens...comfort those who stand in need of comfort..." (Mos. 18: 8-9). Basically to be aware of others and not take lightly the fact that, as is stated in one of the articles, "we are living off the backs of laborers". The stakes are as high as ever now. We are the wealthiest people in the world (even if you think you're poor). What are we going to do with that wealth (even moreso in our case as Latter-Day Saints with the spiritual wealth we have been blessed with)? Can we afford to simply let ourselves and our families be taken up in the tide of oblivion, ignorance and consummerism? Is it what our faith teaches us? No! Our faith teaches us to be informed and do the right thing even if it's the harder thing.

Lastly, I don't know about all of you, but I can't help but feel so blessed for the life I have. I was telling Arthur the other night, "what are the chances of us being born in a first world country, having more than enough money for our needs, and on top of that all, being born into the restored Church and Gospel of Jesus Christ?" We are such a small percentage ( I wish I could throw out a statistic here, but you all know how small) and I feel such a huge responsibility to give back in any way possible.


Unknown said...

I could go on and on on this topic, and on Will's article. I guess the comment section isn't the place to start, huh? Still, good for Will for starting something he cares passionately about.